Then comes some smart ass with a dry sense of humor and a great sense of business; thus, Cow Clicker was born.
In this game, you may click a cow an alloted amount of times per day. That's it. Click the cow. You are awarded nothing, no money, no items, just a satisfying moo. After said click, you may pay an amount of "mooney"(the game's form of premium currency) to skip the wait period between clicks.
As I stated before, the game has currency for premium content. This content ranges from different colored cows, to cows with themes such as the Emoo Cow(USD $3.00 or 300 Mooney), Cobra Cow(USD $5.00 or 500 Mooney) and even the extravagant Bling Cow(USD $100.00 or 10,000 Mooney). Needless to say, I have now lost a little more faith in humanity knowing that people actually pay to click a cow every couple of hours, or even to have a new cow to click. May god have mercy on the human race.
I may be interested in this if I were able to purchase a virtual American, a virtual fast food chain, and order a virtual chef to kill my virtual Angus Cow and serve me a virtual Angus Burger. Sadly, due to recent events, I do not believe human virtual engineering will be able to progress this far.