First we had Killzone 1, a mediocre FPS with mediocre graphics and piss poor gameplay. I rented it for my PS2 a week or two after it came out and I returned it the second day I had it; it was just THAT bad. Needless to say, I absolutely hated it.
Fast forward a couple years. I'm just chillin', watching TV and I notice an ad spot for Killzone 2. I'm immediately skeptical about the quality of the game, but I thought I might at least try it. Again, I rent it, I play it, but this time my reaction was different. Killzone 2 was actually pretty decent. Huge graphics improvement, game play improved immensely and the online was great. All in all, I'd give it an 8/10. Then I hear these Sony fanboys talking about the perfection that is Killzone 2. I tried to reason with them, I tried telling them that it was a good game and that's all. They wouldn't hear any of it and immediately disregarded me as a Microsoft fanboy. This stoked the fires inside me, telling me to grab a knife and rid the world of this infestation of stupidity, but I held myself back.
Now I'm browsing over some tech news for a story and then I see this. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm excited for the game itself, but I'm not excited about the coming onslaught of fanboy bullshit. Depending on how good KZ3 is, I may end up strangling several fanboys before being arrested and convicted of murder.
With that, I bid you farewell for the remainder of the weekend as well as Monday. If anything is posted between now and then, it will be by my friend Sudatze.
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