So... Now we know its real use.
It's a watch! That's right! We now have the ability to make our new iPod a freakin' watch. So, if you've got your head so far up Jobs' rectum, you can pay a mere USD $17 to buy a strip of whatever that is to get yourself an iWatch!
I truly fear for the people(see sheep) who really go our and buy this gimmick. Please, PLEASE, tell me that people aren't actually going to pay $17 to get a strip of this mystery fabric. Not only does it make you look like a complete douche/hipster/Apple fanboy/sheep, it seems like it would get annoying if you actually... I don't know, listen to music on it.
Like I said, for this price, you could go buy 16GB Zune HD and, with this addition, a new set of semi-decent earbuds.
Image courtesy of Gizmodo
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